Joswe	Smolari
Joswe Smolari
Joswe Smolari "il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è Utilizzare le dosi giuste in cucina."
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YILI ZHU "Il cibo non si butta! Un’alimentazione più sostenibile può contribuire a salvare il pianeta e ognuno deve giocare la propria parte, perché solo affrontando insieme lo spreco alimentare ...
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fabio	riserbato
fabio riserbato
Fabio Riserbato "Oggi la figura dello chef è fondamentale in merito alla riduzione del recupero e alla riduzione dello spreco alimentare in quanto deve fungere da educatore sociale in tal senso. ...
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Sabino	Calabretto
Sabino Calabretto
Sabino Calabretto "I apply the right methods of food storage, so as to lengthen its shelf-life and reduce waste. I make a reasoned shopping aimed at the dispensable strait, not to go against an e...
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Corleto 	Pier luigi
Corleto Pier luigi
Corleto Pier luigi "Buy things that are needed Use the things that are available Avoid serving dishes that are too big Avoid using igredients with foam Use the ingredients that have been mad...
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Celine	Monchy
Celine Monchy
Celine Monchy "Prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est primordial. En tant que formateur.rice je dois en faire comprendre le pourquoi afin que mes apprentis ou stagiaires intègrent ou p...
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Muinaté	SAID ALO
Muinaté SAID ALO
Muinaté SAID ALO "En tant que citoyenne, mon engagement consiste à utiliser de manière créative les produits et ingrédients saisonniers, de manière judicieuse, planifiée et dans leur totalité, a...
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FREDERICK CHAZARD "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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 ELSO ROVELLI "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Boisseleau  "My commitment is permanent and daily. It's a matter of responsibility to ourselves, our families and humanity"
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DAMIEN LEUTRAT "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'environn...
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LAURENCE ZYLBERMANN "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Benoît	Bernier
Benoît Bernier
Benoît Bernier "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Patrice	Patelli
Patrice Patelli
Patrice Patelli "Après une carrière professionnelle dans le métier de la restauration et ensuite à l'afpa. je suis maintenant à la retraite. Cependant, je continue à transmettre mes savoirs pr...
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Bruno MERCIER By getting involved, I respest the foodand the people who produced it.I preserve the environnement. Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillagealimentaire est quotidien.
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TRUBLET TRUBLET "Sensibiliser l'ensemble du personnel de notre établissement et nos clients à cette démarche"
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DEBRANCHE DEBRANCHE " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. » "
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BERTRAND KELLER BERTRAND KELLER "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je pr...
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Jean-Michel Le Neouanic   "“My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment....
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Samira	Bakkouch
Samira Bakkouch
Samira Bakkouch "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment"
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Thomas BIGNIER "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'enviro...
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Emmanuelle	Michaud
Emmanuelle Michaud
Emmanuelle Michaud " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. "
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Elodie Mestrallet "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Nelly	Gaudefroy
Nelly Gaudefroy
Nelly Gaudefroy "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'environ...
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BENEDICTE GROMAIRE " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment.  "
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Phil	Quero
Phil Quero
Phil Quero "The food product is noble, as is the work of its producers. Respecting the product means respecting the work of farmers and breeders. Inscribing one's approach with respect for the pr...
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Rose	David
Rose David
Rose David " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. "
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Alima SEGHIR "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. "
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Marie-Laure	GUY
Marie-Laure GUY
Marie-Laure GUY "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Hottier Hottier "sollicitez tous les maillons de la production culinaire pour réduire au maximum le gaspillage alimentaire et le gaspillage d'énergie tout au long du cheminement de la production ...
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Benoît	Le Coz
Benoît Le Coz
Benoît Le Coz "Continuer à sensibiliser les stagiaires que j'accompagne sur les impacts environnementaux, sociales et économiques du gaspillage alimentaire afin de les encourager dans cette lutte ...
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Sylvie 	Delolme
Sylvie Delolme
Sylvie Delolme "Expliquer aux enfants qu'il faut prendre uniquement ce que l'on peut manger et pas plus. Transmettre les bons gestes et démarches à mes collègues"
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Philippe	Tarot
Philippe Tarot
Philippe Tarot "Train and raise awareness among professionals in the entire catering sector of the challenges of this fight"
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Emmanuel 	 Chervet
Emmanuel Chervet
Emmanuel Chervet "Mon engagement est de diffuser à tous mes apprenant l'anti-gaspillage alimentaire et de les aider à le mettre en pratique au quotidien."
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rabeau	mickael
rabeau mickael
Rabeau Mickael "raise awareness and train in the optimization of products, energy, local and seasonal consumption."
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Blanche	Ongmessom
Blanche Ongmessom
Blanche Ongmessom "Je suis entrepreneur dans le domaine de la restauration-pâtisseries et je m'engage auprès de Life-Love Food Reduce de transmettre tout le savoir que je vais acquérir dans le d...
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O'Connell Kendzy	Saint-Vil
O'Connell Kendzy Saint-Vil
O'Connell Kendzy Saint-Vil "My commitment to prevencing and reducing waste is daily. By getting involved, i respect the food and the people who produced. I preserve the environment."
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Monalyn	Ampuan
Monalyn Ampuan
Monalyn Ampuan "Implement proper segragation of food wastes in all our client's restaurants and we process the biodegradable matters to become fertilizers. My husband also develops recipes for c...
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Arianna	Chen
Arianna Chen
Arianna Chen "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only ...
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Isabella 	Tramarin
Isabella Tramarin
Isabella Tramarin "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy on...
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carola 	silva
carola silva
carola silva "reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the word who go hungry every day. i try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. i try to: - buy only ...
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Francesco 	Nunziata
Francesco Nunziata
Francesco Nunziata "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è ottimizzare al meglio la preparazione in laboratorio ma soprattutto avendo parsimonia nell'utilizzare gli ingredienti che u...
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Antonino 	Levantino
Antonino Levantino
Antonino Levantino "Il mio impegno giornaliero è quello di aiutare l’ambiente utilizzando materia prima del luogo e pensare quando elaboro i menù il massimo del suo utilizzo fino a ridurre lo spre...
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Emanuele 	Ricchiuti
Emanuele Ricchiuti
Emanuele Ricchiuti "Il mio impegno sarà l'impegno di non sprecare la materia prima in cucina in più quello di abituare i mie commensali a ritirare e portare a casa ciò che non consumano al tavo...
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Marcello	Perrone
Marcello Perrone
Marcello Perrone "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è quello di effettuare una tipologia di cucina quanto più espressa, preparando il giusto che serve per affrontare il servizio, r...
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Riccardo	Foglietti
Riccardo Foglietti
Riccardo Foglietti "Lavoro sempre utilizzando materie di stagione a 360gradi ,seguendo un Food cost rigido dando valore alla materia prima così permettendo sia di abbassare le spese del ristorator...
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Kimberly 	Strazzera
Kimberly Strazzera
Kimberly Strazzera "Per prevenire e ridurre lo spreco alimentare, comprerò sempre gli alimenti nella quantità che mi serve veramente, e creare ricette nuove per gli alimenti che sennò sarebbero ...
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Angelo D'Acquisto "Il mio impegno per la riduzione dello spreco alimentare è; Studiare e mettere in atto un menù dove gli ingredienti usati possono avvicendarsi nelle pietanze. Riutilizzo degli sc...
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Marco 	Andronico
Marco Andronico
Marco Andronico "Organizzare al meglio la dispensa, disporre in evidenza il cibo deperibile, e reimpiegare il cibo non consumato."
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Ornella	Corsi
Ornella Corsi
Ornella Corsi "In all kitchen preparations use the peas after washing and is possibile also the peels also use the pods.If my guest advance prepare them small take away bags.i use 0 km. Products...
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GIOVANNI RIINA "Prodotti freschi e di stagione: privilegia l’acquisto dal produttore o dai contadini"
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Liliana	Stredie
Liliana Stredie
Liliana Stredie "Preventing and reducing food waste is a priority for me and for the company where I work. With great pleasure I see that in recent years more and more, this approach to food is be...
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Domenico Barreca "My commitment to prevent food waste is to have respect for the raw material and take advantage of all textures."
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Santo 	Petrocciani
Santo Petrocciani
Santo Petrocciani "Create palatable and innovative simple dishes using a few ingredients and take advantage of all the nutrients we have available."
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Francesca	Bartoli
Francesca Bartoli
Francesca Bartoli "Il mio progetto per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è il concetto che" in cucina non si butta nulla". Adoperando professionalità ,competenza acquisita negli anni ed un pizzico ...
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Martin	Magnino
Martin Magnino
Martin Magnino "Acquistare la materia prima sempre fresca, utilizzare ogni parte dell'ingrediente che si sta utilizzando, inventare nuove ricette con gli scarti degli ingredienti"
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Jelvis	Alvatez
Jelvis Alvatez
Jelvis Alvatez " Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only...
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Samuel 	Pedeminte
Samuel Pedeminte
Samuel Pedeminte "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy o...
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Samuel 	Cusati
Samuel Cusati
Samuel Cusati " Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only ...
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Gaia	Bottiglieri
Gaia Bottiglieri
Gaia Bottiglieri "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy ...
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Denis	Alberio
Denis Alberio
Denis Alberio "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only w...
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Nicoara 	Danci
Nicoara Danci
Nicoara Danci " Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only...
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Soraya	Seesutham
Soraya Seesutham
Soraya Seesutham "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only ...
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Francesco 	Furegato
Francesco Furegato
Francesco Furegato "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -bu...
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Chiara 	Cremonesi
Chiara Cremonesi
Chiara Cremonesi "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy onl...
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Samuel 	Pedemonte
Samuel Pedemonte
Samuel Pedemonte "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy o...
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Alessandro	Viola
Alessandro Viola
Alessandro Viola "Reducing food waste is essential because there are milions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -Buy on...
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andrea	ferranti
andrea ferranti
Andrea Ferranti "reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the word who go hungry every day. i try to reduce food waste in a number of ways i try to: -buy onl...
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Cecilia 	Colombo
Cecilia Colombo
Cecilia Colombo "Reducing food waste Is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try ti reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy on...
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Alessia	Marcu
Alessia Marcu
Alessia Marcu "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only...
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Soraya	Avolio
Soraya Avolio
Soraya Avolio "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only w...
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Michelle	Riso
Michelle Riso
Michelle Riso "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the word who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only w...
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michela 	muratore
michela muratore
Michela Muratore "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. i try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. i try to: -buy ...
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Stefany 	Bernardi
Stefany Bernardi
Stefany Bernardi "Reducing food waste in essential because there are milions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only...
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Mattia	Biscuola
Mattia Biscuola
Mattia Biscuola "I can try to use less water for example by running of the water while brushing my teeth"
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Alessio	Palma
Alessio Palma
Alessio Palma "Reducing food Waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day i try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only wh...
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elisa	ardani
elisa ardani
Elisa Ardani "Reducing food waste Is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: - buy only ...
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Zahira 	Airou
Zahira Airou
Zahira Airou "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every dayy = try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to : - buy o...
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Rebecc	Licco
Rebecc Licco
Rebecc Licco "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of peaple in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only wha...
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Alessio	Nicitra
Alessio Nicitra
Alessio Nicitra "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways . I try to : - buy ...
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Giorgia	Vigliotti
Giorgia Vigliotti
Giorgia Vigliotti "Reducing food waste is essential bacouse there are lillions of people in the word who go hungry everyday. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: - buy on...
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