Teresa	Catelani
Teresa Catelani
Teresa Catelani "I love food like any creation of Nature and I try to contribute to its respect"
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Michele	Agius
Michele Agius
Michele Agius "To safeguard the environment and limit unnecessary waste and raise more awareness."
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Sebastian	Frank
Sebastian Frank
Sebastian Frank "That I want to leave the world and rebuild the world in a way, that also my kids and maybe grandkids can see this buitiful planten in a way as we see it now!"
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Jesmond	Vella
Jesmond Vella
Jesmond Vella "Our commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is to conduct monthly waste audits and implementing different policies at our restaurants to reduce waste"
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Ingrid Zerafa
Ingrid Zerafa "As an organic food provider and retailer, we experience a lot of food, particularly fresh fruit & vegetables and dry products with Best Before dates, which would go to waste u...
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Ilias	Gkogkakos
Ilias Gkogkakos
Ilias Gkogkakos "My commitment for the food waste is to design efficient menu with the use of the whole ingredient"
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Theodora 	Kossyfa
Theodora Kossyfa
Theodora Kossyfa "The best way to reduce waste is by reusing items when can. Recycle well and most important stop using plastic bags for shopping ."
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Konstantinos	Perdikaris
Konstantinos Perdikaris
Konstantinos Perdikaris "I will properly educate and train my students and colleges to realize understand and solve the FOOD WASTE problem."
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Roula	Nikolaki
Roula Nikolaki
Roula Nikolaki "Quisiera formarme para formar a cocineros, responsables de comedores escolares sobre desperdicio alimentario."
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Dyleanne	Attard
Dyleanne Attard
Dyleanne Attard "The best way to reduce waste is by reusing items when can. Recycle well and most important stop using plastic bags for shopping ."
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Cecilia 	Colombo
Cecilia Colombo
Cecilia Colombo "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. "
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Jake	Zerafa
Jake Zerafa
Jake Zerafa "Food waste is part of the impact of climate change and other environmental issues, such as land use, water use. "
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Mattia	Stefanelli
Mattia Stefanelli
Mattia Stefanelli "inserire in menú piatti ecosostenibili comprando dai produttori locali e tentare di ridurre il piú possibile lo spreco alimentare"
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Silvia	Carta
Silvia Carta
Silvia Carta "Trying to buy less and eat everything. Planning accurately my menu and donating what I can't eat."
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Alessandro	Neve
Alessandro Neve
Alessandro Neve "Il risparmio del cibo non è solo un problema etico. Determina effetti sui piani economico e ambientale per l’impatto negativo sul dispendio energetico e sullo smaltimento dei rifi...
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Giuseppeì	Marino
Giuseppeì Marino
Giuseppeì Marino "Cercare di trovare una soluzione tra chi vuole donare e minimizzare gli sprechi con coloro che realmente ne hanno bisogno."
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Giacomo Dini
Giacomo Dini
Giacomo Dini "... To cook easily , smart recipes using few ingredients for all of my menu. Fresh, local and smart for me and for the Planet. "
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Tetyana	Tokar
Tetyana Tokar
Tetyana Tokar "In addition to packing the leftover food on the customer's plate, let's suggest how to reuse it to create a new recipe."
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Ousmane	Naing
Ousmane Naing
Ousmane Naing "Far sapere a tutti che esiste la povertà e che ci sono modi di recuperare il cibo"
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Marika	Renna
Marika Renna
Marika Renna "Utilizzare prodotti biologici ritornare alla cucina del tempo dei nonni non fare grandi pranzi ai matrimoni riciclare il cibo con nuove ricette "
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Eduart	Krasniqi
Eduart Krasniqi
Eduart Krasniqi "eeeeeee c’è una cosa che potrei consiliare ma non è uno spreco alimentare ma non sprecate il gas allora quando bollite l’acqua e mettete della pasta all’interno, lo lasciate con i...
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Jessica 	Galasso
Jessica Galasso
Jessica Galasso "Riutilizzando gli sprechi Facendo delle ricette alternative senza buttare niente "
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Klaudia	Ibro
Klaudia Ibro
Klaudia Ibro "Mi impegnerò a limitare gli sprechi trasmettendo questa cosa anche alla mia famiglia e conoscenti"
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Denisa 	Giacubbo
Denisa Giacubbo
Denisa Giacubbo "'-non buttare il cibo (avanzi...) -conservare gli alimenti deperibili in frigorifero e quelli non deperibili sugli scaffali -non esagerare quando si fa la spesa -guardare quand...
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Tore	Minardi
Tore Minardi
Tore Minardi "Creare ricette a spreco zero utilizzando materie prime del territorio."
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Arti	Rroca
Arti Rroca
Arti Rroca "Creare ricette a spreco zero utilizzando materie prime del territorio."
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Esra	Tosuni
Esra Tosuni
Esra Tosuni "Creare ricette a spreco zero utilizzando materie prime del territorio."
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SCALART	Stéphane
SCALART Stéphane
SCALART Stéphane "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is a priority above the other priorities of our business. The future of our children depends on it."
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Myriam Villalon
Myriam Villalon
Myriam Villalon "Waste at all when I know that millions of children around the world don’t have enough to eat."
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CHARINA PRADO "Train and educate teachers and students as well as professionals in the food and catering industry to provide them with knowledge and good practices to reduce food waste."
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Inmaculada Girba Rovira
Inmaculada Girba Rovira
Inmaculada Girba Rovira  "Explain this problem to my clients and apply, on a day-to-day basis, guidelines to increase the use of food"
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Luis Miguel García López
Luis Miguel García López
Luis Miguel García López "Mi compromiso es alto, ya que se debe reducir al máximo todo el desperdicio alimentario para ahorrar dinero en las empresas y ayudar al medioambiente."
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Katherine Ruiz Ramírez
Katherine Ruiz Ramírez
Katherine Ruiz Ramírez  "I am committed to raising awareness among my friends and family, reducing pollution and doing everything that is in place, I am committed to helping my bosses recycle "
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Llopis Garcia
Llopis Garcia
Llopis Garcia "Planificar con antelacion la compra y la comida que voy a elaborar en casa."
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Maria Angeles Fernandez Zamudio
Maria Angeles Fernandez Zamudio "I am committed to working to prevent and reduce food waste, and to raise awareness among those around me of the impact of food waste. I intend to promote scient...
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MARTA TEMPLADO ISASA "From Turiart as a company in the tourism sector we are committed to informing tourists about responsible consumption in menus and orders for catering services."
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Ana Molero Azara
Ana Molero Azara "Me comprometo a Intentar poner por obra, desde mi campo de trabajo como nutricionista, todo lo que me ha enseñafo life foster y crear herramientas que ayuden a otros."
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Patricia Martínez Carrasco
Patricia Martínez Carrasco "'- Formar a los alumnos en la manipulación cuidadosa de los ingredientes y productos, desde la recepción hasta la preparación y el servicio de la elaboración. -Con...
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Karen Pérez Pérez
Karen Pérez Pérez "Sensibilizar a los futuros profesional en la gestión y reducción de residuos en hostelería y así formar a profesionales que pongan en practica el compromiso de no desperdiciar...
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Paulino 	Schembri
Paulino Schembri
Paulino Schembri "My commitment is to teach to buy local To Calculate the portion ,to Buy fresh and Rework leftovers. Utilise the ingredients to the maximum yield "
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Nisar 	Karim
Nisar Karim
Nisar Karim "Almost 40 percent of people globally are facing food shortage and we can reduce food waste by educating customers in Restaurants and other food outlets to eat according to the need ...
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Josefa 	Spiteri
Josefa Spiteri
Josefa Spiteri "My commitment is to disseminate information and tips on food reworking through the Hospitality and Home Economics lessons. I intend to organize visits to local Gozitan restaurant...
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Mary Rose	Briffa
Mary Rose Briffa
Mary Rose Briffa "Try to prepare the exact portions needed when cooking. If there is extra food, keep it for later when it is hygienically possible. Use stale food for other recipes, such as b...
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Chantelle 	Gatt
Chantelle Gatt
Chantelle Gatt "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is a passion for me as we should treat everything and anything with respect, never abuse and always be greatful for what we have."
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Valentina	Abela
Valentina Abela
Valentina Abela "My commitment to food waste is because without knowing everyone, everywhere is not knowledgeable about this. We should learn why we're wasting so much, learn to use less, becaus...
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Claire 	Briffa
Claire Briffa
Claire Briffa "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is to increase the awareness of family members and friends about the subject matter. I also commit to make food purchases in the rig...
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Daniel	Debattista
Daniel Debattista
Daniel Debattista "encourage sustainable practices, monitoring preparations, forecast and enhance communications with local suppliers in order to make use of available seasonal produce."
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Albert 	Picco
Albert Picco
Albert Picco "Being aware and prevent food waste is a mission one has to embark in order to respect others and the planet we live in."
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Charlotte	Geronimi
Charlotte Geronimi
Charlotte Geronimi "I am committed to prevent and reduce food waste in a bid to lower my climate change footprint, thus helping to conserve natural resources."
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Raphael	Cauchi
Raphael Cauchi
Raphael Cauchi "To enable to reduce the purchaisng , prepartion and consumption of food watse on a local ( domestic and isndutry level ) by understaning the impact of such wastage. by engaging ...
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Joan	Roussel
Joan Roussel
Joan Roussel "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Sandra	Le Ray
Sandra Le Ray
Sandra Le Ray "Mon engagement à prévenir et à réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est de prévilégier les fournisseurs locaux, d'optimiser l'utilisation des produits afin de limiter les déchets, d'...
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