In the framework of the Festival Biblico and the specific theme of “POLIS”, VIA NAPOLI SOCIAL STREET #RELOAD event aims to encourage a sustainable society to all those who live in the city of Vicenza and, in particular, in the district of Via Napoli.

The transition to a sustainability society and the implementation of the EU environmental policy, will largely depend on what is done locally. It is therefore important to restore local communities who can act together and boost the sustainable transition.

The event includes a social dinner involving residents, businesses, civic groups, and institutions: various booths in the street, distribute plates and finger food which follow the key principles of an environmentally sustainable eating. In addition, artists and music groups enliven the streets during the evening. The dinner is cooked by ENAIP’s students and trainers according to the techniques developed by the LIFE FOSTER PROJECT!

The event is also part of the EU Green Week, focusing on social, environmental and economic sustainability.

The event is free but the reservation is required. It will take place on Saturday 18 May at 7.30 pm.

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