Alessia	romano
Alessia romano
Alessia Romano "reducing found waste essential because there are millions of people in the words who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a numbers of ways. I try to : - buy on...
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Oghert	Kazazi
Oghert Kazazi
Oghert Kazazi "Reducing food waste Is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only w...
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Alice 	zani
Alice zani
Alice Zani "reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the word who go hungry every day. i try ccide to reduce food waste in a number of DO1 ways. I try to: ...
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natale	marchese
natale marchese
Natale Marchese "reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the word who go hungry every day. i try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. i try to: - buy onl...
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Aurora 	Bianco
Aurora Bianco
Aurora Bianco "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to : -buy onl...
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Asia	Garbellini
Asia Garbellini
Asia Garbellini "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: - buy only...
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Lorenzo	Panessa
Lorenzo Panessa
Lorenzo Panessa "Reducing food waste Is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try ti reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -Buy only...
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Anna	Vittorioso
Anna Vittorioso
Anna Vittorioso "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy on...
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Anna	Vittorioso
Anna Vittorioso
Anna Vittorioso "Reducing food waste is essential because there are millions of people in the world who go hungry every day. I try to reduce food waste in a number of ways. I try to: -buy only...
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Chiara	Gasperini
Chiara Gasperini
Chiara Gasperini "I would like to put much more attention on the food which I eat, trying to reduce food waste. I would like to have conversation with my parents and friends, due to the fact they ...
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Giada	Liotta
Giada Liotta
Giada Liotta I commit myself to help this cause because food deserves better than this
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Stefano	Tigre
Stefano Tigre
Stefano Tigre "My commitment to prevent and reduce food presco is, never throw away food and be careful about the quantity you use for cooking"
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Sonny	De Martino
Sonny De Martino
Sonny De Martino "Food waste is a problem that affects the whole world, causing many problems on an economic, ecological and health level. this problem must be solved."
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Gabriel Cassar
Gabriel Cassar
Gabriel Cassar "Always buy food in quantities that I really need and try to use all ingredients."
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Joseph Portelli
Joseph Portelli
Joseph Portelli "We rarely throw away food in the house, since we always cook according to our requirement. If we have excess food, we freeze and we eat at a later date."
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Glenn Bugeja
Glenn Bugeja
Glenn Bugeja "I try to buy in small quantities especially with regards fresh vegetables ...to make sure that i do not end wasting any vegetables because i have not used them in time."
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Mary Gaerty
Mary Gaerty
Mary Gaerty "My commitment is to respect the farmers that patiently grew the vegetables and reared animals for us to have food. Be conscious about the CO2 emitted to have food on the table. To pre...
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Ema-Sinead Zammit
Ema-Sinead Zammit
Ema-Sinead Zammit "As a human being, I am bound to protect the planet from exploitation and preserve our resources. As a food service professional, my access to food and my power to reduce food wa...
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Ermanno	Zago
Ermanno Zago
Ermanno Zago "Cercare di fare scelte consapevoli, coinvolgendo le persone che mi circondano."
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Mario Principi
Mario Principi
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Donata	Molon
Donata Molon
Donata Molon "Selezionare con cura i prodotti freschi di qualità in relazione alla necessità effettiva"
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Lindsay Guevarra
Lindsay Guevarra
Lindsay Guevarra "I promise to buy less of what I really need and when I cook something trying to eat all of it if it possible so that I can keep more ingredients for the next meal/dish"
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Niccolò Cinieri
Niccolò Cinieri
Niccolò Cinieri "A parer mio buttare il cibo è una cosa brutta perché ci sono dei ragazzi che muoiono di fame."
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Samuele Sala
Samuele Sala
Samuele Sala "Andare contr gli sprechi alimentari e comprare il necessario al supermercato"
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Sofia	Longo
Sofia Longo
Sofia Longo "Cercare di comprare quello che so che riuscirò a finire prima della scadenza."
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Aurora Tonghini
Aurora Tonghini
Aurora Tonghini "Per ridurre lo spreco alimentare faccio porzioni che so che mangerò , compro cibi lontani dalla data di scadenza e compro solo cose che mi piacciono "
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Filippo Pirola
Filippo Pirola
Filippo Pirola "Comprare solo frutta e verdura di stagione, pensare prima di comprare un alimento a come utilizzare un ipotetico scarto"
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FABIO FORANTE "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is to inform and train my students on this topic and to have a daily commitment on this topic in my life, avoiding food waste."
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Andrea	Vallini
Andrea Vallini
Andrea Vallini "My commitment to prevent and reduce food waste consists in learning good sustainable practices and disseminating them to students during school training moments"
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Iginia Carducci
Iginia Carducci
Iginia Carducci "Our menu is based on traditional dishes and suggests seasonal recipes. We chose years ago to support local agriculture and valorise forgotten products and local"
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Giorgio Orizio
Giorgio Orizio
Giorgio Orizio "Consulenza e formazione per aziende e privati Acquisto consapevole Riduzione sprechi alimentari"
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Marcella	Ercoli
Marcella Ercoli
Marcella Ercoli "One of my favorite subject is teaching my food and beverage students to be aware of their role in environmental sustainability"
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Marvic Refalo
Marvic Refalo
Marvic Refalo "As an educator I consider it important to practice what I preach mainly sustainable living including responsible food consumption, encouraging growing once own food, buying local, a...
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Stefania "I am a chef. In the restaurants where I work I am trying to avoid waste. Now it is difficult but something is changing. At home it is easier and I do it a lot more."
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Nicolò Samarelli
Nicolò Samarelli
Nicolò Samarelli "Stimolare gli studenti e in primis le famiglie ad economizzare quanto più possibile ciò che la natura ci offre avendo di contro un risparmio economico."
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Francesco Giuliano
Francesco Giuliano
Francesco Giuliano "Use of intelligent food without waste with local products and a lot of love for our planet."
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Vito Carlo Filingeri
Vito Carlo Filingeri
Vito Carlo Filingeri "I will try to plan the spending of raw materials, and any leftovers will be donated to charity to the most needy!"
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Antonio Callipari
Antonio Callipari
Antonio Callipari "I commit to reduce food waste in the restaurant sector and the problems related of food waste management in the food service industry."
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Mirko Cecchetti
Mirko Cecchetti
Mirko Cecchetti "Being a chef, I can do nothing but try as much as possible to optimize all foods by making as little waste as possible."
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Carlo Bresciani
Carlo Bresciani
Carlo Bresciani "Attention to recipes, use of all ingredients, recovery of leftovers, energy savings."
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