Bocquet 	Bocquet
Bocquet Bocquet
Bocquet Bocquet "use local products as much as possible use fruit and vegetable trimmings life foster training"
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SCALART	Stéphane
SCALART Stéphane
SCALART Stéphane "Committed to reducing food waste. A significant amount of plant waste (trims, plushes) could be used in the kitchen instead of ending up in the trash."
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OLIVIER DUDEMAINE "My commitment to the fight against food waste is a daily fight with my colleagues and learners to anticipate losses, communicate good practices to optimize the use of foodstuffs...
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Antoine	Hugot
Antoine Hugot
Antoine Hugot "En breton c'est possible, les anglais ne sont plus dans l'Europe alors pourquoi?"
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MIMI LONZA "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'environnem...
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Matthieu	Allix
Matthieu Allix
Matthieu Allix "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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david	riviere
david riviere
David Riviere "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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sissoko	sissoko
sissoko sissoko
sissoko sissoko "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Pierrick	GOBIN
Pierrick GOBIN
Pierrick GOBIN "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Renault	Aurélie
Renault Aurélie
Renault Aurélie "Mon engagement est de consommer local (sicile), petits producteurs, produits de saison, gérer les quantitès ( en meme temps je peux manger la meme chose pendant 3 jours sans pro...
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Laurent	Sivré
Laurent Sivré
Laurent Sivré "my commitment is to reduce food waste, by throwing away less and buying better"
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richard	tramhel
richard tramhel
Richard Tramhel "cuisiner des portions adaptés aux appétits et besoins, réduire ma consommation de viande"
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Coffi Blanc	Blanc
Coffi Blanc Blanc
Coffi Blanc Blanc "Mon engagement passe par la transformation des produits ou mets cuisinés qui n'ont pas été débités. Le zéro déchets des fruits et légumes et autres est une attention constan...
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PATRICK DE BACKER DE BACKER "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment"
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Grégory	Defontaine
Grégory Defontaine
Grégory Defontaine "je fait attention a ce que mes commandes correspondent le mieux a mes besoins de formateur, en regard du nombre de participant durant les sessions que que j'anime. J'évite a...
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Grégory	Defontaine
Grégory Defontaine
Grégory Defontaine "je fait attention a ce que mes commandes correspondent le mieux a mes besoins de formateur, en regard du nombre de participant durant les sessions que que j'anime. J'évite a...
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Alain FOUREL "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is a civic issue."
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Patrick	OBIN
Patrick OBIN
Patrick OBIN "Mon engagement est de privilégier les circuits courts, de faire et de sensibiliser au zéro déchets. Mon engagement est de ne pas acheter plus que de besoin"
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Damien MANGEOT "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Damien MANGEOT "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. Mon engagemen...
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Frédéric 	Pastorino
Frédéric Pastorino
Frédéric Pastorino "Reducing the food waste should be the very first and most important rules in a professional kitchen…"
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Paul	Balesme
Paul Balesme
Paul Balesme "To reduce waste in my Kitchen : -buying local food to reduce oil consuption -putting all the vegetables peels in the compost -doing stocks with all the waste from the fish and m...
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Piro	Roussel
Piro Roussel
Piro Roussel "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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Pélagie	Beia
Pélagie Beia
Pélagie Beia "Mon engagement pour prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est de travailler un maximum de produits de proximité , et de faire des commandes régulière afin d'ajuster les stock...
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BRUNO DUTILLEUL BRUNO DUTILLEUL “ My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environmen...
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silvia	granelli
silvia granelli
Silvia Granelli "Mi impegnerò a diffondere la cultura contro lo spreso alimentare ai miei allievi"
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enrico angelo	fiori
enrico angelo fiori
Enrico Angelo Fiori "Mi impegnerò, come docente di scienze e scienza della alimentazione, a spiegare ai miei allievi l'impatto che lo spreco alimentare e le problematiche ad esso associate hanno...
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Eleonora	Sessa
Eleonora Sessa
Eleonora Sessa "Il mio impegno come formatrice professionale sarà quello di parlare ai miei studenti dell'enorme impatto dello spreco alimentare sull'ambiente e la natura. Come insegnante di sci...
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GABRIELLA UGO SALA "Il mio impegno per ridurre ed evitare lo spreco alimentare è acquistare alimenti poco alla volta, in modo da evitare che scadano e vadano buttati. Il cibo cotto avanzato, ri...
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Francesco	Anello
Francesco Anello
Francesco Anello "Ridurre al massimo lo spreco degli scarti , ogni singolo elemento va sempre utilizzato , nulla va gettato ma tutto va utilizzato."
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Maura	Galli
Maura Galli
Maura Galli "raise awareness of the consumption of healthy food by avoiding junk foods" "
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Marina	Tognazzo
Marina Tognazzo
Marina Tognazzo "Raise awareness of a greater awareness of the consumption of healthy food and drinks by favoring those at 0 km to protect the environment."
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MARCO FLAVIO LUSARDI "Raise awareness among students for respect for nature, for a model of sustainable and democratic world development and against food waste"
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DARIO BERTARINI "for years at the end of the day fresh products that are no longer salable and those close to expiration have been donated through a non-profit organization to the needy We are at...
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gabriele	imperato
gabriele imperato
Gabriele Imperato "i wolud like throw any of cooked food i will be able to reuse it, to make new dishes also can by food with deadlines close together and consume it in a short time"
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Chiara	Meroni
Chiara Meroni
Chiara Meroni "Recuperare gli avanzi, utilizzandoli in nuove ricette. Acquistare il necessario, stando attenta alla scadenza. Sensibilizzare parenti ed amici."
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Marcello 	Tessari
Marcello Tessari
Marcello Tessari "Sono uno chef di cucina e faccio parte della federazione Italiana cuochi e del associazione cuochi trentini"
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Marisa	Andrisani
Marisa Andrisani
Marisa Andrisani "Simply by paying attention to the amount of food we buy, we could therefore keep our eating habits intact and, at the same time, reduce our expenses by half or feed twice as many...
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Caterina	Quaglia
Caterina Quaglia
Caterina Quaglia "Fare la raccolta differenziata e in cucina cercare di ridurre al minimo gli scarti"
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Aurelia Licia	Gualano
Aurelia Licia Gualano
Aurelia Licia Gualano "As a private citizen there is certainly something that I can do daily to prevent food waste and to help educate others to do the same: we only have one planet, so we have ...
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Daniela 	Manelli
Daniela Manelli
Daniela Manelli "Contribuendo alla gestione dello spreco alimentare dal produttore della materia prima fino al compimento del piatto in sé,usufruendo soprattutto di scarti,rivisitandoli in nuove t...
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Francesco 	Hotca
Francesco Hotca
Francesco Hotca "my commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is to waste less food, to be well organized and clean and to use sustainable and refined products for animal welfare and consumer we...
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Stefano	Pagliarulo
Stefano Pagliarulo
Stefano Pagliarulo "waste less food, buy sustainable fishery products and farms that guarantee animal welfare"
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Pierpaolo 	Rosati
Pierpaolo Rosati
Pierpaolo Rosati "Non favorire l’agricoltura intensiva, acquistando solo da piccoli produttori alimentari che producono e vendono solo prodotti coltivati nel pieno rispetto della natura e seguen...
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Gianluca 	Masullo
Gianluca Masullo
Gianluca Masullo "Sensibilizzare i ragazzi all'utilizzo consapevole dei prodotti per ridurre lo spreco alimentare"
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oleksandr	yarosh
oleksandr yarosh
Oleksandr Yarosh "i promise to cook only the food i can eat becouse I don't like to waste food that isn't necessary to gat if everybooy did it would be better!"
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Angelo	Leone
Angelo Leone
Angelo Leone "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è usare prodotti tipici del territorio a km zero. Usare materie prime sostenibili."
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sofian	agal
sofian agal
Sofian Agal "in my opinion i think everyone can do something in the world. i can do my best to avoid the waste. the food is ""sacred"" and don't waste anything. i could plan my weekly meals an...
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marco 	botti
marco botti
Marco Botti "I think is yery important don't waste any kind of food in every part in the world because there is who die for war or hungry i have decided to cool i must eat for one meal and if i ...
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Brigitte 	Colucci
Brigitte Colucci
Brigitte Colucci "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è usare solo ingredienti km zero."
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Petru Cretu "Here is my commitment to reduce food consumption: - buking fruit and vegetables produced at 0 km - cooking in small quantities so that i don't have any leftovers - playing my me...
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Viviana	Bernorio
Viviana Bernorio
Viviana Bernorio "I will try to pay attention to my food choices. I will explain the connection between the food we eat and the environment to my students, friends and relatives."
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Antonella	Ricciolo
Antonella Ricciolo
Antonella Ricciolo "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo scarto di materie prime è usare prodotti del territorio e sostenibili."
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Sandra	Lomello
Sandra Lomello
Sandra Lomello "my commitment to prevent and reduce food waste is *do not build large stocks, especially for perishable foodstuff *prepare express dishes and use tecnology correctly to preserve ...
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Lorenzo	Randisi
Lorenzo Randisi
Lorenzo Randisi "My commitment to prevent food waste is mainly to use food in its entirety without wasting edible parts. I am also using seasonal foods, focusing on the rediscovery of products f...
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unread	Lilla
unread Lilla
Unread Lilla "pianificare gli acquisti, fare una lista della spesa prima di andare dal supermercato, comprare le giuste quantità e cucinare quello che consumi, quando riponi gli alimenti in frig...
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Tiziana	Garbo
Tiziana Garbo
Tiziana Garbo "love and respect the raw material that is sacrificed every day to allow me to do my job, respect customers by making them appreciate niche products produced by small companies tha...
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Simona	De pace
Simona De pace
Simona De pace "Il mio impegno per prevenire è ridurre lo spreco alimentare è fare una spesa intelligente e utilizzare il cibo avanzato, cucinare dosi giuste".
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Igor	Albonico
Igor Albonico
Igor Albonico "Il mio impegno per prevenire e ridurre lo spreco alimentare è fare una spesa intelligente e riutilizzare il cibo avanzato cucinare dosi correte".
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Yuna	Serra
Yuna Serra
Yuna Serra "Il mio impegno per prevenire e ridurre lo spreco alimentare è fare una spesa intelligente, riutilizzare il cibo avanzato, è cucinare dosi giuste".
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Alicia	Felici
Alicia Felici
Alicia Felici "il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è fare una spesa intelligente"
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Sofia	Sicari
Sofia Sicari
Sofia Sicari "Il mio impegno per prevenire allo spreco alimentare é fare una spesa intelligente"
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Maria	Colombo
Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è fare le giuste quantità, fare una spesa intelligente."
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Ottaviano	Gatti
Ottaviano Gatti
Ottaviano Gatti "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare fare una spesa intelligente"
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Matteo 	Di Leo
Matteo Di Leo
Matteo Di Leo "Il mio impegno per prevenire lo spreco alimentare è fare una spesa intelligente".
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Lorenzo	Vecchio
Lorenzo Vecchio
Lorenzo Vecchio "Il mio impegno per ridurre lo spreco alimentare è di fare una spesa inteligente"
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