Category: Manifesto

20 January 2022
Nicolò Samarelli
Nicolò Samarelli "Stimolare gli studenti e in primis le famiglie ad economizzare quanto più possibile ciò che la natura ci offre avendo di contro un risparmio...
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20 January 2022
Francesco Giuliano
Francesco Giuliano "Use of intelligent food without waste with local products and a lot of love for our...
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20 January 2022
Vito Carlo Filingeri
Vito Carlo Filingeri "I will try to plan the spending of raw materials, and any leftovers will be donated to charity to the most...
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20 January 2022
Antonio Callipari
Antonio Callipari "I commit to reduce food waste in the restaurant sector and the problems related of food waste management in the food service...
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20 January 2022
Mirko Cecchetti
Mirko Cecchetti "Being a chef, I can do nothing but try as much as possible to optimize all foods by making as little waste as...
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20 January 2022
Carlo Bresciani
Carlo Bresciani "Attention to recipes, use of all ingredients, recovery of leftovers, energy...
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