Category: Manifesto

27 April 2022
Tommaso Feller
Tommaso Feller "I want to reuse the scarts of the food that i dosen’t...
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27 April 2022
DARIO BERTARINI "for years at the end of the day fresh products that are no longer salable and those close to expiration have been donated through a non-profit organization to...
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27 April 2022
gabriele imperato
Gabriele Imperato "i wolud like throw any of cooked food i will be able to reuse it, to make new dishes also can by food with deadlines close together and consume it in a...
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27 April 2022
Chiara Meroni
Chiara Meroni "Recuperare gli avanzi, utilizzandoli in nuove ricette. Acquistare il necessario, stando attenta alla scadenza. Sensibilizzare parenti ed...
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27 April 2022
Marcello Tessari
Marcello Tessari "Sono uno chef di cucina e faccio parte della federazione Italiana cuochi e del associazione cuochi...
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27 April 2022
Marisa Andrisani
Marisa Andrisani "Simply by paying attention to the amount of food we buy, we could therefore keep our eating habits intact and, at the same time, reduce our expenses by half or...
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27 April 2022
Caterina Quaglia
Caterina Quaglia "Fare la raccolta differenziata e in cucina cercare di ridurre al minimo gli...
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