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28 April 2022
MARCO FLAVIO LUSARDI "Raise awareness among students for respect for nature, for a model of sustainable and democratic world development and against food waste"
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28 April 2022
Marina Tognazzo
Marina Tognazzo "Raise awareness of a greater awareness of the consumption of healthy food and drinks by favoring those at 0 km to protect the environment."
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28 April 2022
Maura Galli
Maura Galli "raise awareness of the consumption of healthy food by avoiding junk foods" "
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28 April 2022
Francesco Anello
Francesco Anello "Ridurre al massimo lo spreco degli scarti , ogni singolo elemento va sempre utilizzato , nulla va gettato ma tutto va utilizzato."
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28 April 2022
GABRIELLA UGO SALA "Il mio impegno per ridurre ed evitare lo spreco alimentare è acquistare alimenti poco alla volta, in modo da evitare che scadano e vadano buttati. Il cibo cotto avanzato, ri...
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love food reduce waste
LIFE FOSTER consists entirely of direct and indirect actions aimed at raising awareness about the problem of food waste and optimal food storage.