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22 March 2022
Benoît Bernier
Benoît Bernier "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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22 March 2022
LAURENCE ZYLBERMANN "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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22 March 2022
DAMIEN LEUTRAT "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'environn...
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22 March 2022
Boisseleau  "My commitment is permanent and daily. It's a matter of responsibility to ourselves, our families and humanity"
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22 March 2022
 ELSO ROVELLI "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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22 March 2022
FREDERICK CHAZARD "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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22 March 2022
Muinaté SAID ALO
Muinaté SAID ALO "En tant que citoyenne, mon engagement consiste à utiliser de manière créative les produits et ingrédients saisonniers, de manière judicieuse, planifiée et dans leur totalité, a...
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22 March 2022
Celine Monchy
Celine Monchy "Prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est primordial. En tant que formateur.rice je dois en faire comprendre le pourquoi afin que mes apprentis ou stagiaires intègrent ou p...
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love food reduce waste
LIFE FOSTER consists entirely of direct and indirect actions aimed at raising awareness about the problem of food waste and optimal food storage.