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22 March 2022
Hottier Hottier "sollicitez tous les maillons de la production culinaire pour réduire au maximum le gaspillage alimentaire et le gaspillage d'énergie tout au long du cheminement de la production ...
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22 March 2022
Marie-Laure GUY
Marie-Laure GUY "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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22 March 2022
Alima SEGHIR "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. "
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22 March 2022
Rose David
Rose David " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment. "
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22 March 2022
Phil Quero
Phil Quero "The food product is noble, as is the work of its producers. Respecting the product means respecting the work of farmers and breeders. Inscribing one's approach with respect for the pr...
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22 March 2022
BENEDICTE GROMAIRE " My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment.  "
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22 March 2022
Nelly Gaudefroy
Nelly Gaudefroy "Mon engagement à prévenir et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est quotidien. En m'engageant, je respecte la nourriture et les personnes qui l'ont produite. Je préserve l'environ...
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22 March 2022
Elodie Mestrallet "My commitment to preventing and reducing food waste is daily. By getting involved, I respect the food and the people who produced it. I preserve the environment."
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love food reduce waste
LIFE FOSTER consists entirely of direct and indirect actions aimed at raising awareness about the problem of food waste and optimal food storage.