I DON’T waste: cooking laboratory with LIFE FOSTER project – LOVE FOOD REDUCE WASTE

In the framework of the Italian fair Job&Orienta 2020, ENAIP NET’s trainers and learners provide a live streaming workshop/laboratory about zero-waste cooking principles and methods. The workshop will be in Italian.

If you want to join, please sign in here: https://joborienta.edulife.eu/Prenotazione/63/LOVE%20FOOD%20REDUCE%20WASTE%20%E2%80%93%20A%20SCUOLA%20DI%20CUCINA%20CIRCOLARE%20CON%20LIFE%20FOSTER

Link in the EWWR 2020 platform: https://ewwr.eu/actions/io-non-spreco-a-scuola-di-cucina-con-life-foster-love-food-reduce-waste/