Barbara Archesso, LIFE FOSTER Project Manager, has been invited by the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) to attend as Vocational Educational Training expert, to a dynamic workshop dedicated to detect the educational needs of the European Bioeconomy in the Delegation of the Andalusian Government in Brussels (Belgium).

This event is part of the European UrBIOfuture project which is co-financed by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) within the EU framework programme Horizon 2020.

More than 30 professionals linked to the European Bioeconomy participated in this workshop, which was also attended by representatives of the BBI JU and the European Commission, as well as the partners of the UrBIOfuture project.

The participants worked in 4 round tables led by CTA to discuss the necessary skills for the digitisation of the sector; soft skills for innovation and entrepreneurship; and the basic skills in Circular Bioeconomy, both for technical profiles and for business development, marketing and communication profiles. The outcomes of the workshop will complete the analysis that UrBIOfuture is developing on the gaps between the European educational offer and the needs of companies in the bio-based sector.

This educational gap is a challenge set by European Commission for the development of the Bioeconomy, since it requires a new profile that involves other academic disciplines.

Here the full article: