The project envisages the following actions, necessary to ensure a successful project.
Action A1
Aims to select the best practices and technologies already existing about food waste prevention and management and to collect them in a guidelines report that will be the “core” of the contents of the communication actions foreseen in actions B and D. The necessary means to carry out this action are available in the partnership thanks to UNISG, the project’s scientific partner, which will guarantee the correctness of the information provided.
Action A2
Is needed to organize in a precise manner all the communication/dissemination activities: the communication plan will define in detail the activities with a contingency plan.
Action B1
Targets students and trainers in the food service industry sector in 4 countries that will be trained on topics related to food waste reduction. The means for this action are ensured by the quality of the partnership members, training centers with a long experience in educational and vocational training for the food service industry.
Action B2
Targets chefs and restaurant owners. Various types of activities, using different channels and means of communication, will raise awareness about the issue of food waste and the methodologies to reduce it. The means and skills of the partnership will also ensure the achievement of the objectives of this action, together with the support of numerous stakeholders already involved.
Action B3
Addresses policy makers by creating working tables to discuss the state of the art and assess the tools to implement at regional, national and EU level. The partnership will therefore provide its expertise to policy-makers in order to raise their awareness of the issue of food waste and the EU's Food waste platform activity.
Actions C
Will allow the project's impacts to be properly quantified in environmental terms (food waste reduction), as well as awareness-raising and socio-economic impacts.
Actions D
Will disseminate the project's results to other European training centers (D1) with the aim of encouraging the replicability of the initiative), to make communication materials (D2) to create a network at European level (D3) and finally to realize the final project event (D4). These actions will be directly implemented by the partnership with the support of external expertise with specific communication and event planning skills.
Actions E1
Will guarantee the correct technical and financial management of the project.