All made with love for

  • Raise awareness about food waste as a major problem in the restaurant industry, and the possibility of preventing and reducing it through the application of more sustainable practices.
  • Train trainers and students, as well as professionals (back and front of house), in the restaurant industry to adopt more sustainable practices.
  • Raise policy makers’ awareness about the need for measures and instruments that favour food waste prevention and reduction.

The key point of the campaign is to directly involve the restaurant industry thanks to VET trainers and students. By first training a small group of trainers the project will create a ripple effect which will result training of various other trainers and the consequent training of an even more significant number of students.

These students will then experience and apply what they have learnt at the VET centre in thousands of enterprises during their mandatory in-company training and in their future employments. In this way, the project will not only reach, but also infiltrate the kitchen systems of various restaurants.

In this project, awareness will also be induced by the communication activities and communication tools foreseen by the project.

Therefore, the project will contribute to reach one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), adopted in September 2015 by United Nations General Assembly: the goal of halving per capita food waste at retail and consumer level, and reducing food losses along production and supply chains by 2030.

Foster, Life, EuropeanCommission, VET, FoodWaste, Training, Sustainability, Gastronomic, Food waste, restaurant industry, circular economy